
Acne rosacea occurs in a few per cent of the population, most commonly in people aged 25-35 and 45-55 (more sufferers are in the latter range). This relatively rare but not very pleasant condition is an intractable, chronic skin condition that is inflammatory in nature and affects only the skin on the face.

Rosacea – Causes

The causes of rosacea are not really known and many factors are recognised. Acne rosacea can be triggered by:

Stages (Variants) of Rosacea
  • Erythematotelangiectatic
  • Recurrent or persistent redness in the central part of the face
  • Additionally, broken blood vessels
  • Papulopustular
  • To the redness, dome-shaped nodules and pustules in red colour are added, located in the central parts of the face.
  • Nodular
  • The skin thickens
  • Nodules also appear on the nose, jaw, forehead, cheeks, less commonly on the ears
  • Nodularity of the nose and ears may occur
  • Ocular
  • Eyes water
  • Sensation of a foreign body, sand, burning, dryness, itching
  • Sensitivity to sunlight

Rosacea Onset

In the course of the disease, there are moments of exacerbation as well as remission. The skin lesions mainly occur in the central part of the face - the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. It also appears behind the ears, on the eyelids, on the neck and décolleté, but these are much rarer and occur mainly when the disease is severe. Acne rosacea is much more common in women than in men, but it is more severe in men.

  • vascular disorders combined with disorders of the sebaceous glands - make the skin not function properly due to excessive sebum secretion or a deficiency of sebum,
  • endocrine disorders - have to do with sebum secretion,
  • candida - contributes to the formation of eruptions and other skin lesions,
  • herpes virus - contributes to hypersensitivity of the skin to pathogens and other negative factors,
  • alcohol consumption - causes vascular disorders, dries out the skin,
  • consumption of spicy food - can also dry out the skin and dilate blood vessel walls
  • stress - one of the causes is perspiration,
  • inadequate skin care - possible skin irritation,
  • overexposure to the sun - possible skin irritation by UV radiation,
  • exposure to skin irritants - chemical, mechanical irritation, etc,
  • excess of vitamins B6 and B12 - excess vitamins can also have an adverse effect on the skin,
  • allergens - sensitise the skin,
  • bacterial infections - development of pathogens,
  • hypertension - affects the width of blood vessels, among other things.
The tendency of facial skin to form spider veins can be the beginning of a condition called rosacea. This involves the vessels frequently contracting and relaxing, causing the capillary walls to enlarge. So-called erythematous lesions are formed, which become fixed over time and never disappear from the face. The dilated blood vessels put pressure on other cells - this in turn can lead to the appearance of swelling, which leads directly to inflammation. In addition, this is combined with the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands, and the overproduction of sebum causes red pimples to appear. Together with these, we can speak of rosacea. However, generalising, we can say that the onset of rosacea is simply the appearance of facial redness and spider veins.


Rosacea Symptoms

As you already know, it all starts when red spots appear on the face and our skin is a vascular, shallow-vascularised complexion with a tendency to get oily. This doesn't always end in rosacea, but it's useful to know what the next symptoms of this condition can be. The next stage is efflorescence and pustules, thickening (similar to ordinary acne), which can form a fine porridge. In the more advanced form, purulent lesions appear. The skin then becomes uneven and lumpy. To confirm whether you have rosacea, the symptoms mentioned above should be shown to your doctor as soon as possible.

Managing Rosacea Without Typical Medications – Treating Rosacea

The treatment depends on what stage of the disease we are dealing with. The most effective treatment is treatment started as early as possible. Although the causes of rosacea are not fully known, there are factors that aggravate the disease. Above all, it is important to avoid factors that could be a possible cause of rosacea. It is also important to determine the probable cause of skin lesions leading to acne vulgaris. It is also important to pay attention to your facial care regime and only use gentle cosmetics designed for sensitive skin. You should also limit your face washing and use sunscreens to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation. In the further, more advanced, stages of rosacea, treatment looks similar to that of common acne. A rosacea cream can be used, which will mainly aim to protect the affected skin and relieve symptoms.

Acnerose Dermocosmetics for Rosacea

In the case of rosacea, it is better to use specialised dermocosmetics, dedicated to this particular problem, than randomly selected cosmetics at the drugstore. The four-product Acnerose rosacea series will prove useful in this case.

It includes:

  • ointment for rosacea in the morning,
  • rosacea day cream,
  • rosacea cleanser,
  • night paste for rosacea.
Acnerose dermocosmetics are extremely gentle, non-irritating and non-drying to the skin, and owe their high efficacy to natural ingredients derived from plants. These include azelaic acid, lactobionic acid, gluconolactone - popular ingredients of rosacea remedies - which have a beneficial effect on vascular-acne complexion, as well as many vascular strengthening, skin soothing and nourishing substances. The cosmetics act on the causes of rosacea, realistically improving the skin. They do not mask the problem, but effectively address it, so improvement comes quickly and is long-lasting.


Rosacea Medications

Usually, at a more advanced stage of the disease, it is necessary to start resorting to more serious measures. It is then best to try something stronger and more effective. A rosacea ointment will work well and will be able to reduce the pimples and papules, but above all this ointment will be able to inhibit the further development of the disease. However, sometimes it happens that this is not enough. What other medications can be used? Here are some suggestions:

  • antibiotics - containing tetracycline, doxycycline and limecycline or erythromycin (sometimes azithromycin or clarithromycin are also used - but these are less effective)
  • azelaic acid - helps to remove papules and pustules
  • preparations that kill yeast and mites - this is simply to eliminate the cause of acne.

Cosmetics for Rosacea

For rosacea, in addition to medication and the use of creams, one must not forget to take proper skin care. Otherwise, you could risk aggravating your symptoms. So which cosmetics are suitable? Natural coconut oil is certainly effective, as it moisturises and cleanses the skin. It also has a protective, regenerative and antibacterial effect. In addition, it is a gentle product, so it is a good option for sensitive skin. When reading the composition of cosmetics, it is also worth noting the presence of zinc oxide, which accelerates healing and effectively fights imperfections. In turn, substances such as acetone, alcohol, menthol, soap, astringents and fragrances, including natural essential oils, should be categorically avoided in cosmetics. All of these can exacerbate rosacea symptoms. Make-up removal with a cotton swab and mechanical scrubs with abrasive particles should also be avoided.

Diet for Rosacea – No Results Without Changes in Your Diet

You also need to carefully review your diet - some products may need to be excluded, some introduced. This should eliminate the cause of the disease or neutralise the symptoms. So what should you avoid? Certainly spicy foods. Alcohol, which among other things dries out the skin, should also be excluded. Strong tea and coffee should also be eliminated. And one more thing that is probably everyone's little sin - chocolate. It, too, is detrimental to rosacea because it increases sebum production! On the other hand, it is worth including skin-supporting products in the diet, rich in antioxidant vitamins A, C, E and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as these eliminate inflammation. These can be found in orange vegetables, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and sea fish.


It seems that many things can turn out to be silent pests and trigger rosacea. The most important thing is to take an interest in the ailment as soon as possible - the sooner, the better you can act. And while we can do a lot ourselves, one thing is certain - with rosacea you will need the advice of a specialist, so as soon as you notice worrying changes on your facial skin, do not trivialise them, but make an appointment with a dermatologist as soon as possible.




1. Can rosacea be cured without a change in diet?

Diet has a great influence on the condition of the skin, because with it we supply it with nutrients: vitamins and micronutrients. Some foods provoke inflammation, vasodilatation and the overproduction of sebum, which is why it is worth treating rosacea skin from within and applying the rules of an anti-acne diet, which additionally protect the vessels.

2. Can skin with rosacea be tanned?

No. The sun and high temperatures aggravate the symptoms of vascular dilatation and bursting, which is why it is important to protect the skin from UV rays with sunscreen and a hat.

3. When can you stop using cosmetics for rosacea?

Acne rosacea is a relapsing disease, and after a period of remission, symptoms can flare up again. Since well-chosen cosmetics rarely irritate, rosacea sufferers should permanently incorporate them into their skincare routine.

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