Herbs for Rosacea

Herbs for Rosacea

Acne rosacea is a troublesome and difficult to treat skin condition. It affects the face most often, so sufferers of this condition look for any way they can to alleviate the symptoms.

The face is a permanently exposed part of the body, so aesthetic considerations are particularly important in this case. However, it is possible to treat rosacea with herbs and other natural remedies.

The antibiotics used for rosacea have a number of side effects, so it is not surprising that patients are starting to consider trying herbs. The question is whether there are herbs that can help with rosacea. Of course there are!

Even doctors sometimes recommend treating rosacea with herbs.


Characteristics of Skin with Rosacea
Oily skin
  • Overproduction of sebum
  • Issues with proper keratinization of the epidermis
  • Wypryski ropne różowoczerwone
Vascular skin
  • Pustular red-pink breakouts
  • Superficially vascularized – veins just under the skin
  • Reacts to emotions, diet, poor cosmetics, and atmospheric conditions


How herbs can affect the skin

The herbs used for rosacea primarily help to relieve the symptoms of rosacea. They moisturise the skin, nourish it and make it less flaky. They reduce redness and relieve annoying itching or burning. They have blood cleansing properties and anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. They also improve the body's immunity. Here are some examples of herbs both for use alone and in cosmetics.

Herbs for Rosacea

Herbs for rosacea can be used both internally and externally, by making infusions, decoctions and tinctures for drinking or making poultices and compresses.

  • bird's-foot trefoil - a popular weed, exterminated in gardens, but also a medicinal herb. It is used to make decoction and tincture. It has blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antibacterial properties.
  • greater burdock - a tincture and decoction of the root is also used for this herb. Like knotweed, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The decoction is used both for drinking and for making poultices or compresses. Burdock is particularly recommended for skin problems.
  • calendula - a tincture of this plant has, like those above, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties and also strengthens the body's immunity.
  • violet - an infusion of this plant is used both internally, for blood purification, and externally for its skin cleansing effects.
  • smokeberry - an infusion of smokeberry herb used externally is helpful in treating rosacea and other skin lesions.
  • coneflower - a teaspoon of echinacea tincture daily helps to strengthen immunity against bacterial and fungal infections. As an auxiliary, it can be used for rosacea.
  • chamomile - an infusion of chamomile is ideal for poultices and helpful for all skin irritations and lesions, including rosacea.

Herbs for Rosacea in Cosmetics

Herbs for rosacea can also be found in various cosmetics. There are a number of different ointments, creams, gels to be used on skin lesions, including rosacea. Among the herbs that can be found in cosmetics are:

  • Calendula - calendula ointment is a very popular remedy for all skin lesions. It soothes both redness and unpleasant itching.
  • Tea tree - tea tree oil is a very well-known remedy for skin problems. It is a popular ingredient in creams and ointments for rosacea, including rosacea. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Both creams with the oil and the oil itself can be used. If someone has it at home but does not like to lubricate themselves with oil alone, they can add it to their moisturiser.
  • Garden goldenseal - a cream w ith extracts of this plant works with similar efficacy to metronidazole. It soothes redness and itching.
  • (EGCG) gallus epigallocatechin - this green tea ingredient has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and, most importantly, an inhibiting effect on angiogenesis, i.e. the formation of new blood vessels in the skin. Thus, a cream with this ingredient can soothe erythema.
  • Quercus dermis - An extract from this plant in gel form, after several weeks of use, produces the effect of reduced telangiectasia and the healing of pustules.

Acnerose – Dermocosmetics for Rosacea with Herbs

For rosacea, professional dermocosmetics should be used alongside herbs. In many of these you will also find plant extracts. Acnerose is such a series.

A set of four products for the comprehensive care of skin with rosacea comprising:

  • cleanser,
  • ointment for the morning,
  • day cream,
  • night paste.
The preparations have the following properties:
  • they seal and strengthen blood vessels, thus reducing the tendency for veins to burst and spider veins to form and reducing erythema,
  • contain antioxidants that nourish the skin and stimulate collagen production, as a result of which the skin thickens and the veins cease to shine through,
  • regulate the sebaceous glands, which protects the skin from shine and reduces the number of pinkish blemishes,
  • has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect - healing blemishes and irritations.
Acnerose products owe their effectiveness to herbal ingredients such as:
  • vascular strengthening - extracts of ruscus spinosus, arnica montana, horse chestnut
  • anti-inflammatory - liquorice extract, bisabolol, coconut oil, betaine,
  • thickening - vitamin E,
  • sebum regulation - green tea extract, ichthyol.



There are many herbs that are helpful in the treatment of skin lesions, including rosacea. Here, only a few examples of herbs have been given, which can both be drunk in the form of tinctures and infusions and applied as poultices, as well as cosmetics containing these herbs. Before applying herbs, however, there are two important things to bear in mind. Firstly, herbs are only an auxiliary supplement. They will not completely cure the disease, although there are some that even have a similarly strong effect to some medicines, and they have the advantage of not having the same side effects as medicines. Secondly, herbs can cause allergic reactions, so it is advisable to perform a skin allergy test before starting to use herbs.



1. Does rosacea skin need any special care besides the use of herbs?

Yes, as the symptoms of rosacea are concentrated on the face, it is very important to provide gentle but effective skin care suitable for oily and vascular skin problems. Certainly cosmetics with chemical additives that may irritate the skin will not work. Cosmetics with natural active ingredients, such as the Acnerose range, are a better choice.

2. How long does it take to improve rosacea?

Acne rosacea is a chronic condition, so it is recommended that the care should be continuous and regular. Improvement should be visible after about 3-4 weeks of regular cosmetic application.

3. Is there any way to enhance the effect of herbs on rosacea?

Yes, the effects of herbs for acne will be enhanced when you follow the principles of the rosacea diet in addition to them. Sugars and trans fats should be avoided as they increase sebum production. On the other hand, spices, alcohol, strong coffee and tea do not help the vessels, while groats and vegetables containing vitamins E, C and K are recommended.



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