A Red Face as a Symptom of Illness

A Red Face as a Symptom of Illness

A red face is a common occurrence. In many situations, the appearance of a flush is perfectly natural and should not cause much concern. However, while red skin after alcohol or exercise comes as no surprise, the problem begins when the erythema appears more frequently and lasts longer or even becomes permanent. To get rid of it effectively, it is first necessary to identify the cause. Only in this way will it be possible to choose the right way to combat redness and prevent it in the future.

Facial skin redness doesn't necessarily indicate illness

A red face can have completely trivial causes. For example, it can be the result of weather conditions, e.g. frost, strong wind, sun. As a rule, in such cases, our face quickly regains its normal appearance - unless we overdo the sunbathing, in which case its consequences will be combated for at least a few days.

A reddened face after a spicy meal is also nothing to worry about, as the erythema goes away on its own when the meal is over. However, if the redness lasts for a long time and is accompanied by a burning sensation and swelling, it may be a sign of histamine intolerance.

For many people, red skin from stress and reddening under strong emotions is a problem. This is especially true for people with fair skin and vascular complexions. This tendency to blush may be genetic and a result of sympathetic nervous system dysfunction. Some people even develop a fear of blushing in front of other people (erythrophobia). In such a case, it is worth seeking professional help and available treatments.

It is no secret that skin redness is often the result of inadequate skin care. Poorly chosen cosmetics can irritate or sensitise the skin. It is therefore worth looking at the needs of the skin: whether it is sufficiently moisturised and choose products that will rebuild and strengthen its protective barrier. If you have vascular or sensitive skin, reach for products dedicated to such skin types. Specially selected ingredients will take good care of the skin condition and calm redness.

The real trouble comes when the erythema is actually caused by a disease. Therefore, it should not be ignored if it persists for a long time. You should go to a specialist to look for the source of the problem.

A red face – what diseases can cause it


The problem of a red face may be related to processes in the body underlying the following conditions:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus,
  • frostbite,
  • sunburn,
  • allergies,
  • atopic dermatitis,
  • acne vulgaris,
  • infections,
  • psoriasis,
  • rosacea.

As you can see, the redness of the skin on the face can be caused by many different diseases. Some of these are characterised in the table below.

A red face – other symptoms of diseases

Red face is caused by many diseases. Some have similar characteristics, while for others, the only common symptom is erythema. The differences between the various conditions are outlined below.

Illness Symptoms
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus It is an autoimmune disease that results in damage to the skin, joints and kidneys. The symptoms of lupus are varied, but the most typical - although not always present - is facial erythema, which takes on a butterfly-like shape. Other symptoms of this disease include photophobia, redness, swelling and pain in the joints, ulcers inside the mouth, kidney abnormalities and nervous system disorders. Sometimes there are also headaches or chest pain, fever, fatigue, swelling, confusion and even memory loss.
Frostbite The condition most commonly affects areas such as the ears, nose and fingers and toes. In the first stage, patients feel a tingling and burning sensation in the part of the body exposed to the cold, followed by loss of sensation. The skin exposed to negative temperatures becomes red and painful. Other symptoms include dryness of the epidermis and swelling. If a bluish-purple colour develops on the skin, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Sunburn The first symptoms of overexposure to the sun are mainly redness of the skin and burning and sensitivity to touch. In more severe cases, there are blisters filled with serous fluid, itching and even intense pain.
Allergies In the case of skin allergy, redness, rash and swelling appear on the skin after contact with the allergen. This may be accompanied by itching. Scratching will aggravate the lesions. Symptoms persist for several days or even weeks after contact with the allergen.
Atopic Dermatitis The symptoms of this disease are extremely troublesome for the sufferer. They include intense itching, dry skin, rash and characteristic erythema. Sometimes there is keratosis of the skin. There is also a tendency to recurrent infections.
Acne Vulgaris This condition usually manifests itself on the skin of the face, back and chest. Its typical symptoms include seborrhoea, open and closed comedones, inflammatory lesions in the form of nodules, cysts, papules, inflammatory infiltrates and pustules. Around these, the skin may be reddened and irritated. Discolouration of the epidermis and scarring are also characteristic at a later stage.
Infections Symptoms characteristic of bacterial and viral infections include a high fever causing a red face, as well as an intense sore throat, runny nose and cough. There is also often intractable shortness of breath combined with expectoration of purulent secretions. In the case of gastrointestinal infections, there is severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Psoriasis At the beginning of the disease, the characteristic symptom is the so-called primary efflorescence. It is described as a reddish-brown papule with a scaly surface. When the lesional skin is scraped off, it takes on a smooth and shiny texture, which is called the stearic candle sign. Further symptoms are skin sensitisation, blood vessel damage and bleeding. In a further stage of the disease, the lesions become larger and take the form of silvery scales, then turn into a thickened epidermis with a rough surface. These phenomena are accompanied by itching, burning and pain and reddening of the affected skin.


A red face as one of the manifestations of rosacea

A red face is also a characteristic symptom of the disease rosacea. This condition has a chronic course. Its symptoms only appear on the skin of the face. Unlike acne vulgaris, which usually affects younger people, people between the ages of 30 and 60 suffer from this condition. Women are more commonly affected, but it is men who have the more severe form.

The causes of rosacea include:

  • local infectious,
  • psychogenic,
  • nutritional,
  • atmospheric.
Symptoms of the disease in the initial phase include periodic erythema on the face. It is often accompanied by skin tension and burning. Subsequently, the erythema is permanent and is accompanied by eruptions in the form of papules and pustules. In more severe cases, patients complain of ocular complications such as inflammation of the eyelid margins, conjunctivae and even the cornea and iris. It is an extremely troublesome disease and requires specialised treatment.


Get rid of a red face with acnerose

Acnerose are dermocosmetics specialised in the care of skin with rosacea. They deal well with its problems, alleviating redness, swelling, dryness, burning sensations and irritation. They contain numerous substances that seal the walls of blood vessels: extracts of horse chestnut, arnica, ruscus spinosus, liquorice and green tea. These prevent the aggravation of lesions - the formation of spider veins. Vitamin E soothes and moisturises the skin, making existing erythema less visible. In addition, there are anti-inflammatory substances in Acnerose (zinc oxide, ichthyol, oil of the bitterroot, coconut oil, rose oil) that eliminate imperfections in the form of pimples and papules. Soothing and moisturising substances such as allantoin, lanolin, aloe vera extract, bisabolol or gluconolactone take care of soothing reddened skin. These ingredients act on the most common problems causing redness - comprehensively eliminating the problem.

They are placed in four products that provide care for the skin at every stage of care. The Acnerose set consists of:

  • cleansing fluid,
  • an ointment for the morning,
  • day cream,
  • night paste.

A Red Face – Summary

A red face can have a variety of causes, ranging from inadequate skincare to skin diseases. When can we suspect a pathological basis for the problem? When the redness appears frequently or lasts all the time and is accompanied by other symptoms, e.g. itching, papules, rash. It is then worth seeing a doctor. Proper treatment and well-chosen care will help reduce bothersome symptoms, including the redness of the skin.




1. What is rosacea?

Acne rosacea is a chronic and inflammatory skin condition that involves the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. The condition most commonly develops in adults.

2. What are the symptoms of rosacea?

Acne rosacea manifests as severe redness of the facial skin and the formation of spider veins. Over time, pimples and inflammatory papules with purulent contents may appear on the face. In addition, the condition is accompanied by a sensation of burning, tightness or stinging of the skin.

3. Can red patches on the face be a symptom of a disease?

Yes. For example, they can be a symptom of allergies, seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, inflammatory infections, AD.

4. When should red patches on the face be a cause for concern?

Spots should raise our concern if they persist for several days and do not disappear, but begin to enlarge and in addition there is itching or burning of the skin.

5. Can I treat rosacea myself?

If the symptoms of rosacea are mild, they can be controlled with appropriate skin care and by avoiding factors that exacerbate the erythema. However, it would be wise to consult a doctor to learn more about the condition and treatment options to prevent rosacea from progressing. More severe symptoms absolutely already require consultation with a doctor, as they can no longer be eliminated by skincare alone.


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