Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics in Autumn

Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics in Autumn
All You Need to Know About Probiotics in Autumn | E-Drug UK

All You Need to Know About Probiotics in Autumn

Although the weather outside may be fair, it's essential to remember that our bodies are particularly susceptible to viral infections, bacterial illnesses, and colds during the autumn season.

Why Does Immunity Drop in the Autumn-Winter Season?

One factor contributing to the onset of certain diseases is the unfavourable weather conditions, such as sudden weather changes and large temperature fluctuations. During the autumn and winter period, the days become shorter. The lack of sunlight hampers the body's production of Vitamin D, vital for a healthy immune system. Other contributing factors include:

  • Lack of physical activity
  • Poor diet


Immunity and Gut Health

Many people are unaware that gut health significantly impacts our overall well-being and immunity. Our gut lining produces nearly 80% of lymphocytes, the cells responsible for combating pathogenic microorganisms.

Boost Your Gut Health with Probiotics

Probiotic microorganisms beneficial to our health primarily produce lactic acid. They stimulate antibody synthesis, inhibit harmful bacterial growth, and stabilise the gut barrier. You can intake these beneficial bacteria through high-quality supplements and natural sources like fermented foods.

If you choose supplements, remember the strain type is as important as the bacterial species. Always check the label properly. For natural probiotics, consider fermented foods like pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, and fermented dairy products like kefir and yoghurt.

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